BeachesLugares de interésPlaces

Port de Sant Miquel

By 28 February, 2013 No Comments

The Port de Sant Miquel is one of the most important tourist areas in the municipality of Sant Joan de Labritja.

In the cove (a natural harbour), you will find hotels, restaurants, shops and entertainment. The beach is wide and there are fabulous views of s’Illa des Bosc (an islets connected to the shore by a tongue of land, Es pas de S’Illa). Nearby you will find the d’en Marçà caves and beautiful and empty coves, such as Calo des Multons and Benirràs.

Post-it: A splendid and tranquil setting, ideal for a family beach day.

From the center of the village of Sant Miquel, caught the road leading directly to the beach.